Manitoba Sail Training and Development 204-925-5647

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CANSail Fundamental Course 2025

First-time instructors are obligated to complete the CANSail Fundamental Sessions prior to entry into a CANSail Technical Clinic. Instructor candidates must be 16 years old or turning 16 in the calendar year they take this course.

This course is an NCCP-required prerequisite to any CANSail Technical Clinic and certification process. Candidates should plan to take a Standard 2-day First Aid from an accredited organization (Red Cross, Heart, and Stroke, St. John’s Ambulance, or equivalent), and candidates are also required to show proof of minimum CANSail Level 4 upon entry.

Attendance at all sessions of the course is mandatory. Candidates are expected to actively participate in all sessions and submit all coursework by the end of the course. Online courses require a computer with camera and microphone abilities, stable internet connection, and a quiet location.

Sessions will be held online via Zoom on April 12 & 13 and May 3 & 4, 10:00 am to 4:00pm CST (MB time) 

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Coach Boat Safety

Coach Boat Safety is a requirement for Sail Canada certification and Insurance as part of the instructor pathway. Candidates must be 16 years of age at the time of the clinic to register. Those 15 and wishing to register should contact Sail Manitoba for permission to register. Candidates are required to have Standard 2 day First Aid from an accredited organization.

Participants are encouraged to bring sailing gear and a PFD

Please bring lunch, snacks, and water for each day, and dress for the weather!

PCOC is a prerequisite to entry into this course.

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The Coach Boat Safety course is a hands-on, on-water training program designed to equip coaches with essential safety skills for handling emergencies. Throughout the clinic, participants will observe and practice key techniques for managing common situations while coaching sailing. The course covers fundamental powerboat operation, sailboat rescue methods, mark-setting for sailing lessons, and general water safety principles. The Coach Boat Safety Course is a pre-requisite for becoming a sail instructor.

Facilitators: Jackie Spear, Sarah Daeninck and Sebastian Wright

Virtual Zoom session on Tuesday, June 10th at 6 pm - 9 pm

In-person on June 14, 2025 from 9 am - 6 pm

Location: Winnipeg Sailing Centre (Fort Whyte Alive), 1961 McCreary Road

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CANSail 1-4 Instructor Technical Clinic

Instructor candidates seeking trained status in the CANSail 1&2. Candidates must be 16 years of age at the time of the clinic to register. Those 15 years of age wishing to register should contact Sail Manitoba for permission to register. Prerequisite Courses: Fundamental.

Instructors must provide their own lifejacket and sailing gear.

Please note that 100% participation and attendance is required to satisfy the professionalism standards of this course.

The course runs :

Thursday, June 26, via Zoom from 6 pm to 8 pm.

Saturday, June 28, in person from 9 am - 6 pm at Fort Whyte Alive Interpretive Centre (1961 McCreary Rd.)

Sunday, June 29, in person from 9 am - 6 pm at Fort Whyte Alive Interpretive Centre (1961 McCreary Rd.)

Please bring lunch, snacks, and water daily, and dress for the weather!

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